the dedication ceremony today was wonderful! it was very simple and refreshing. there was just a small group of family and business associates present. my mom was so encouraged by this gesture and we all loved the monument they chose. "burger point" is visable from cross timbers marina (see photos below). it is accessible by boat or by a small hiking trail. it was too muddy to place the monument today, but once the land dries up the monument (and several cedar benches) will be placed at the end of the trail right at the point. by the way, in my last post i put that this would be in a state park. that is incorrect. this is a privately owned marina, but the land is leased from the corpe. still, there will be lots of traffic through here as this is a very popular marina!
monument to be placed at "burger point". the verse was my Dad's favorite New Testament verse.
view of "burger point" from the ship store
just a view of docks constructed by my Dad and his crew
view of wave wall constructed by my Dad and his crew
i threw this photo in just for fun... this is a shot of the underwater brush that my Dad's company was responsible for removing. in order to do this my brother had to become certified to scuba dive. he would dive to the bottom of the lake and with an underwater, hydraulic chainsaw he would remove all brush. this is hard work and my Dad would have him out there diving even in the winter... this job prompted many dreams for my brother. most of which included him sawing himself in half and watching his legs float up to the top!
thank you for praying for us today. it was a really hard day, but this ceremony was really encouraging. the Lord used my Dad to bless many people... it's been encouraging to see just how many people loved him!
What a lovely tribute to your dad and a great testimony to the awesome God in whom he trusted.
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