
I Went To The Zoo Too!

they couldn't quite grasp the concept of actually looking at the animals. maybe next year...

jayden was a monkey too, but didn't keep his head in the hole. didn't look quite right when you could see more of his body than his head.

layla likes graham crackers. don't ask her how many she ate today. it was ALOT!

this was our "stalker" goose. he/she (not sure which) kept following the babies around. i think it had something to do with graham crackers...

wierdest sheep-thing i've ever seen!


Andrea said...

what a fabulous day to go to the zoo!! Looks like fun!

April said...

I'm so glad we went and I'm not sore today from all the walking. We'll definetly have to try going again later so the kids can enjoy it better.

Ruth said...

Great pics! Looks like fun...maybe more for you and April though! Isn't it so nice that warmer weather is here?


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