
*Two Years*

*Happy Anniversary, Josh*

*I Love You!!!*


April said...

Josh really steals the photo there, huh?

On our 2 year anniversary, Justin said "I can't believe we've been married for 3 years!"

Happy Anniversary guys!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you!
It's been good seeing you lately...
Love you!

Kimberly said...

Happy Anniversary!

Andrea said...

aww! Happy Anniversary!

Michelle said...

Happy Anniversary! It's wonderful to see a Christian couple going on for the Lord.

Rachel said...

Has it been that long already?! Wow! Congrats, guys...and you know, it just keeps getting better!

Jennifer said...

Happy Happy Anniversary!!!!

Ruth said...

Happy Anniversary! I can't believe it has already been two years either! Time flies.

Michelle said...

Congrats on 2 years!...sounds like it goes by fast...

marti said...

Two wonderful, glorious years! I can't even remember if we had one of those! Guess we did though...

Keep on keepin on in the Lord!


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