
Awesome Blog... If You Like to Sew

Okay, I can't remember how I came across this blog, so I can't give credit to whoever introduced me to it. Sorry if it was one of you! Anyway, if you like to sew you should definitely check out Sew, Mama, Sew. They have the greatest ideas and always provide a pattern or step-by-step. It's a great resource for gifts.


Shawna said...

cool! I was wondering where you get your ideas. I loved the bag you gave Marcie. Super cute.

Brooke said...

Thanks! Teresa Marler actually taught me how to make that bag, but they have had similar one's on Sew,Mama,Sew. The other bags I have made were from an Amy Butler pattern. Her stuff is really neat, but a little more complicated and NOT free. :o)

Shawna said...

cool! I would love to take some classes. Do you have Teresa's email?
I am sure you saw the quilt that my parents had her make. So beautiful!
I LOVE LOVE amy butler...good to know about them being a little trickier. I have notice I am drawn to her patterns and fabrics. SO cute.

Shawna said...

i am such a retard. I think i must say "cool" too much. I started BOTH my comments with it. :)

Lista said...

Thanks for the tip! I bookmarked it for further browsing! While we're speaking of cool sites for crafty people, have you found Ravelry? It's the coolest website for knitters/crochers. TONS of free patterns, other crazy yarnaholics...you'd love it!

bandanachick said...

Yeah! I can't wait to look through this site. Thanks!


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