
Happy New Year!

Exhausted from ringing in the New Year... her idea, not mine!

Hanging out with Daddy


Wendy said...

she looks pretty comfortable there on josh.....she just gets cuter and cuter!

Lista said...

Don't you just love how perfect and tiny her little fingers are? I miss baby fingers!!!

Anonymous said...

Ya, she had plenty of padding to lay on.

Christina said...

Seeing little Sophie so peaceful and precious is such a great reminder of how merciful and loving our heavenly Father is, always taking care of His children. Your family has been on my heart this week, and you are all in my prayers.

Jennifer said...

What a trooper staying up for her very first New Years!! She is soo cute :)

Kari said...

She's a beautiful little angel! Its great seeing a pic of her with her daddy. Hope to hear that you all get a little more sleep soon.

Grace Powell said...

You guys made a beautiful baby and Josh looks like he's totally in love. That new daddy glow is so cute!

Michelle said...

She is just so precious!


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