
I LOVE Mobiles!

Sophie has decided she LOVES her mobile. She will lay in her crib for 30-45 minutes in the morning and just talk to it. Therefore, I have decided that I LOVE mobiles! I can get so much done in that short amount of time. It's so wonderful. I will be so sad when she outgrows this. Hopefully there will be something to take it's place...


Rachel said...

That's a cute one too...yeah, I love that stage, when they can start entertaining themselves a bit. Next comes rolling, grabbing at toys and the exersaucer though!

April said...

Yeah to Sophie for giving her mommy some time in the morning! I always loved hearing Layla lay in bed and chatter in the mornings. Too bad I'm still waiting for Finn to reach this phase.

Grace Powell said...

Mmost likely the exercauser will eventually take it's place. Hope so, I could always do so much while Elisa played in hers


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