
7 Random Facts

Okay, I know I was tagged several times to do this and I just keep forgetting. So, here is the long awaited and much anticipated (I'm sure...) 7 random facts about me:

1. I love to watch old John Wayne movies.

2. I hate to unload the dishwasher. I don't mind loading it, but I just really hate unloading it... I'll put that chore off to the very last if possible!

3. My favorite sport to watch is high school boys basketball. My Dad and I used to travel around and watch different teams (people we didn't even know). It was a blast!

4. I hate to talk on the phone.

5. My dream house is a white house in the country with a big porch and a big kitchen.

6. I kill all living plant life. Plants literally scream if I get too close. Here's an example: We have two hydrangea bushes in our back yard. We bought them at the same place and planted them within one day of each other. All I did was put one in the ground and cover it with dirt. Josh did the other. The one he put in is HUGE and beautiful. The one I put in is 1/4 the size and sickly looking... I swear I didn't touch it again!

7. I have a strange obsession with stuffed animals. They are just so cute and snuggly. Josh thinks it's funny.


Shawna said...

just wait until sophie is older! unloading the dishwasher is an excellent kid job! I love loading as well.

MagenRanae said...

fun list! :)

Lista said...

Huh, I loath unloading the dishwasher, too! I make Gabe help now, so I'm with Shawna on it being a kid job. Oddly, I don't seem to mind it as much if the dishes are still warm. Go figure.


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