
He's Here!

Randy Gavin (will go by Gavin) was born via c-section sometime around 12:30 last night. They didn't tell me how long he was, but he weighed 7lbs 6oz. He's healthy and Ashlee is doing great too! Praise the Lord!

JR said that he made it with just 2 minutes to spare, so we are praising the Lord for that too!

Hopefully I will have pictures to share soon! I can't wait to meet him!


Jennifer said...

That's awesome!!! Tell them we said Congrats :)

Kimberly said...

Praise God!! Glad to hear that everyone is doing well. So glad JR made it.

Anonymous said...

What an answer to prayer! So glad to hear that everything worked out and that J.R. was able to be there. I'm sure this is a very special time for you all. Can't wait to see pics

Jennifer Voss said...

Oh yay!!! I didn't realize it was so soon! Can't wait to see him!

Christina said...

Congratulations to all! So glad to hear that everyone is healthy and happy. What a close call for J.R.! God is good.

Marcie said...

How exciting to have another nephew! Can't wait to see pictures!


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