
A Little Sophie

Admit it, you would too.

I love the "happy legs" in this shot.

Not sure what was up, but she just kept crawling around going "blah" and sticking her tongue out.

See what I mean?!

And again...

I know I already have a shot like this, but it's just so cute when they look up at you like this!

1-16-09 What Sophie Does While I Sew(BW)
This is what she does when I am sewing and not looking. She can empty a bookshelf quite quickly!

Noah and His Wife (BW)
This is Noah and his wife. They are teeny, little wooden people that she loves to carry around with her. I just think it's so cute.


Rachel said...

she's so adorable - makes me excited to be having a girl!

Kimberly said...

She's so precious!!! Great photos too.

marti said...

That little girl is getting very active. She's got you into quite the excersize routine! What a sweetie she is.

Anonymous said...

ah - noah and his wife....how cute!i love wooden toys. reminds of this little drumstick tyler used to play with. he named it "drummy" and drew a face on it. good memories!

JR and Ashlee said...

Very cute, are her pants unbuttoned?


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