
Ric Rac

Sophie girl sporting her "pretty" and being a little silly.

1-29-09 Ric Rac

1-29-09 Ric Rac(1)

1-29-09 Ric Rac(2)

And of course, the only one that was actually in focus was overexposed. So, BW saved the day (I think, anyway). My template must be messed up again because it's cutting off the right side of my photos. Arg! Just when I think I've got my blog like I think I want it! Ah well. I'll mess with it another day. :o)


April said...

I like that in b/w but if you want you can try to make some adjustments in RAW. Fiddle with the recovery slider, brightness and exposure.

Rachel said...

The colors are beautiful in the last 2!

Jennifer said...

super cute little girl!!

MamaT said...

RIC RAC!! I guess she's been sewing again, uh?
We're back from MO again and wiped out.


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