
In the Mood to Remember

I have been in the mood to remember fun things about my Dad. Sometimes it is just really hard and painful to remember, but other times it's just fun. Since this has always seemed to be my outlet for these things, I thought I would share some memories. Here are the first 5 that popped in my head today. Those of you who knew him might enjoy these. Please share funny stories of him that you might have!

**When I was little and would have friends over, he would always ask them their name. They would tell him and then he would say “Harold? Your name is Harold?” They would get so frustrated and repeat their name. He would finally just laugh and say “okay, have fun Harold.”

**He LOVED to scare us. I can think of two really funny (now they’re funny) incidents and both involve my cousin Jenn Hall. One night we were jumping on the trampoline (at night) which was out behind our house. We had a wrap around deck, so Dad climbs under the deck at the front of the house and crawls all the way around to the back. Then, he jumps out screaming as loud as he can. I just screamed and fell on the trampoline, but Jenn flew off the trampoline screaming at the top of her lungs and started running away as fast as she could. I think he almost threw up he was laughing so hard. The other incident was when we were about 9 and were in the process of moving onto our land out in the boonies. Jenn and I convinced my parents to let us sleep in the trailer out there all alone. We couldn’t believe they let us! We were doing fine and having fun playing when we heard a knock at the door. Jenn falls to the floor in a panic (Jenn, you were a chicken!) and I was scared, but still (stupidly) just walked to the door. I didn’t see anyone. This happened about 3 times. I was starting to panic too. Finally the last time I peeked out I could see my mom hiding by the porch. Apparently Dad would knock and then jump off the porch. They were watching us through the window! Mom finally felt bad enough that she let us see her. Needless to say, we went home with them. Dad said what he really wanted to do was to climb through one of the back bedroom windows with a white sheet on and come running down the hall. I think we would have just fallen over dead! Thankfully, Mom was with him and wouldn’t let him be that mean.

**While driving in the car, he loved to lean over and wave at no one. Then, he would crack up when you looked to see who he was waving at. People usually only fell for it once. Jamie (April’s sis) always fell for it, which just egged him on!

**Another car thing of his was to ask you if you knew how many people were dead in that cemetery. The response was usually a number like 250, or something. He would then reply “all of them.” The next time you were with him, he’d ask the same question but making sure there was someone alive walking around in the cemetary. Thinking we were on to him, we would say “all of them.” Then, he would reply “no, that person is alive.” Then, he’d do his “hee hee” ornery laugh.

**He was so much fun out on the lake! He loved to get people out on the tube and try to throw them as far and hard as he could. It was SO much fun! Probably the most fun I have ever had was out on the lake with him.

This was fun. Maybe I will do a "remembering him" day each week... I'll have to think about that.


April said...

And your dad had a yell like no one else.

Just the other day Jamie and I were talking but I don't remember what about. She said "it could've been worse" or something like that. I immediately responded with "better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick." Remember when your dad was trying to explain that to me and I could just not get it?!

Anonymous said...

yea...he liked to scare!!! I think I have a few of those stories. I remember the time in New Mexico when he put on a really scary mask and came around the corner all of the sudden and made some scary noise. Little did he know 2 yr. old Kalie was standing beside me......scared the tar out of both of us. I screamed - she cried. He felt really bad for scaring Kalie, but it was so funny !

Marcie said...

This was neat to read through those memories. I remember going out on the lake with him and all of you guys. I was glad that I was pregnant, because otherwise I would have looked like a chicken on that tube as I watched him throw off the guys!

Jennifer Voss said...

I was cracking up just thinking of those times! I was such a chicken... you're right! And, I ALWAYS think of his "cemetary story" everytime I pass one. AND I remember the mask thing and Kalie too! I always remember how he would tell his Mark Lowry stories and Jimmy Stewart impressions. I don't think anyone has ever been able to make me laugh near as hard as he did!

Anonymous said...

Joseph(10) said that Randy would say (at the coffee break), "Don't eat the cookies, they'll put hair on your chest." :) I'm so glad my kids remember your dad. He is very missed. Love ya!
~Jennifer Redenius~

Brooke said...

That's funny April. I can see how you would have a hard time understanding that statement! He did use that one ALOT.

Wendy, I do remember the scary mask. That was actually one that I thought of, but since it didn't involve me... I just didn't put it. I figured you would comment it. :o)

Ha, Jennifer! I didn't know he said that to the kids at the Chapel. That's so funny! He used to say that ALL THE TIME.


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