
Provisions from the Lord

I haven't been "doing the Walgreen's deals" lately because they just haven't seemed worth my time. Well, this week was a different story! Holy cow, was it ever.

What I came home with:
**12 pk Scott Tp
**4 boxes Kraft Mac and Cheese
**8 bags of Huggies (and because I know someone will notice the size and think "hmmmm... why is she buying size 1 diapers?" It's only because that's the only size they had left. I plan on exchanging them.)
**4 bottles of Garnier Fructis Shampoo
**1 Colgate toothpaste
**1 Crest toothpaste
**Electrasol Tablets
**3 pks Orbit gum
**2 rolls of paper towels
**2 bottles of WG Ibuprofen
**2 bottles of WG Rapid Release 'tylenol'

Total before sales and coupons - $122.69 (before tax)
I also received a $25 gift card just for transferring a perscription. So, combine that with my coupons and I paid only $25.57 (before tax) out of pocket!
AND I still have $15 in Register Rewards (same as cash at Walgreens) to put towards another purchase!!!

I would call that a provision from the hand of God! I am so thankful for the way he provides for us.


Rachel said...

How did you get so many Huggies coupons? Did you have someone print them for you?

I went last night and got 3 packs - awesome deal!

Brooke said...

Well, I was able to print 4 of each here. (I waited about 3 days and they let me print 2 more of each again!) Then, I went to my Mom's and printed more. I decided to stop there.

Does anyone know if you can use Register Rewards to buy something that generates Register Rewards? I was afraid it would mess things up, but if not I could use my $15RR and get more diapers...

Jennifer said...

Can you shop for me ??! I really need to start making time to bargain shop like that... it's just hard to actually make the time :)

Marcie said...

Go Brooke!!! Yes, you can use RR to buy something else that produces a RR as long as it's not the same deal. So, you could buy the Fusion Gamer Razor this week or there are other RR deals, you just can't use it on the diaper deal.

marti said...

Amazing! I'm Jen - will you shop for me?


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