
Christmas Post - From Josh

In the ancient times, men who had knowledge of God yearned for a mediator who would intercede with God on their behalf - a mediator who would give them access to God.

They yearned for a redeemer who would atone for their sin and rid them of this evil, black stain that separated them from God.

They looked for the Messiah, who would restore Israel and rule with goodness, justice, and righteousness. He would right the wrongs, end the injustices, end the oppression of the weak and the poor, and punish with an iron rod those who did evil.


The Son of God came into this world, and mankind now has free access to God! Sin has been atoned for once-for-all, and its shackles have been destroyed and thrown off those who believe in the dear Savior. The fate of this world and Satan is sure. This same Christ will come again, but it will not be as a meek, lowly baby. He will come in power and might. He will rule in glory. He will be called “King of kings and Lord of lords”. The wrongs and injustices of this world will be made right.

This Christmas, rejoice that the Savior has come! But don’t just look back and remember – look forward and hope! Darkness is growing in this world, but there is hope – a sure hope – that outshines any evil darkness or shadow. It may seem like a far off glimmer right now, but just like the sunrise that starts timidly in the east, His glory will fill this earth and chase all darkness from it. He is coming, again! Hallelujah!


MamaT said...

I think "Hope" is the theme of the season.

Christina said...


Anonymous said...

what beautiful reminder of our Savior and the how He has freed us from all our sin forever! I love Him!


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