
Rodriguez Family

mr. rodriguez is the man who ran the stop sign and hit my Dad. he was able to make bail on Jan. 20. most of our friends and family were just sure that this meant he would head for the border. this was not the case. this man has showed up for every hearing in a very humble, quiet manner. yesterday there was another hearing in which it was determined that he would be charged with Negligent Homicide (the toxicology reports showed no chemical influence, allowing this to remain a misdemeanor charge). mr. rodriguez does not speak english, but another man in his family does. he sent this man over to my grandmother with a message for our family. the message was that he was so sorry and that he and his family had been praying night and day for us. my grandmother sent back a message to him that he was forgiven.

i cannot even begin to describe the emotions this causes. we had already chosen to forgive him in our hearts and had prayed for him, not knowing the condition of his soul. to have him come to us repentant of what he had done, is just overwhelming. we never expected this! praise the Lord for the work He continues to do through this situation!!!

this man is not a US citizen and will most likely be escorted back to Mexico as soon as this is over. i just ask that you take a moment to pray for him and his family. he has been very humble and has tried to do what he can to make things right by not fleeing the country, choosing to appear in court, and seeking forgiveness. i cannot say with certainty (based on these things) that he is a believer, but he could be. he is also having to deal with this accidental killing of another man. i cannot imagine! i just ask for the Lord's grace for him and that if he is not saved that the Lord would use this to draw him to Salvation. my Dad would consider his death a cost worth paying to see a man come to know the Lord.


marti said...

I thought I had heard he left the country! God is so good! I have been praying for his salvation. The Lord knows the condition of his heart. Just to know that he is sorry and is making the effort to let you know is such an answer to prayer.

Oh that his heart would be drawn to the Savior in a very real way because of this. God knows and this is such a comfort. He is working behind the scenes. We wait, pray and rejoice with you in His plans and purposes.

Kari said...

Wow, that is amazing! I'm sure that it has meant a lot to each of you just knowing that he is sorry.
You have such an awesome attitude and outlook on the whole situation. It is evident that the Lord is truly giving you comfort and peace at this very difficult time. All our love and continued prayers for you and your entire family.
Love, Kari

Andrea said...

Lovely seeing you tonight! How pathetic is it that us two fabulous girls have a night away from our husbands and hang out with my parents! haha!

jenica said...

Where would any of us be without forgiveness? (Ultimately God's forgivesness). Your families testimony is wonderful. I'm sure this offense seems almost immpossible to forgive! I hope the Lord will continue to give you strength to forgive. (It must be a min. by min. thing, huh?) I pray that Mr. R will know the freedom and renewal of forgiveness.
Continuing to pray...

Rachel said...

Wow, Brooke! Pray, pray, pray for his salvation...wouldn't that be amazing? And yet we know how much our Savior longs to know him personally and to offer forgiveness to him. This is just the toughest kind of stuff though, and we're still praying for you guys, that the Lord would hold you up.


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