
The Sweetener of Marah's Waters

Not always on the mountain
The sweetest flowers we find,
But sometimes in the valley,
With cypress branches twined
We see their buds unclosing,
Their blossoms bending low,
A hallowed fragrance breathing
Where Marah’s waters flow.

O valley of submission,
Where once the Son of God,
Our precious, loving Saviour,
In lonely silence trod.
And when our hearts are breaking,
To Him we there may go,
Assured that He is nearest,
Where Marah’s waters flow.

O valley of submission,
Where, leaning on His breast,
We tell Him all our sorrow,
And feel the calm of rest.
Tho’ oft He gently leads us,
Where verdant pastures grow
His Mercy shines the brightest
Where Marah’s waters flow.
— Fanny Crosby


Rachel said...

I love that line, "oh valley of submission.."

Marcie said...

Thank you for sharing this. It was such an encouragement to me. It is a beautiful picture of how in the midst of sorrow the Lord brings rest.


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