
Baby Slings

Okay, Mommies, help me decide on whether or not I want a baby sling and which kind I should get. Tell me which kind you liked/didn't like, if you actually ever found it useful or not, etc. Thanks!


April said...

Finn only liked the slings while taking a walk. I personally never felt like he was secure even if he was. I would suggest borrowing a sling from someone to give it a "test drive." Sophie may really like it with how snuggly she likes to be.

Christina said...

I love my sling, but it works well for me because DJ is hyper clingy. Even now he still likes to be chest to chest and cheek to cheek. Aprils suggestion to borrow one is a great idea. Some kids love the security of being so close to mom, some kids feel frustrated and trapped. Sophie is probably more apt to like it if you start her off in it young.

I have the NoJo sling, more due to it being financially available to me at the time I needed to buy a sling. I use it a lot, and do like it (you feel for sure that the baby is going to fall out at first, but the more you use it, the more secure you feel)but the NoJo sling does not tighten as well as I'd like, which adds to the sense of insecurity. I'm used to it now, but given the chance to do it again, I'd have probably invested in a sling that was more ajustable, like the Maya or the Moby.

Jennifer said...

I never used a sling but I've always thought they were a neat idea! Although, sometimes when I saw them the baby didn't look "secure" enough! Maybe it was way they were positioned i don't know!

Rachel C said...
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Rachel C said...

I used the baby bjorn quite a bit, Not really the traditional sling, but a carrier I guess. Great for hands free moments though..Mine was a hand me down-but you can try out if you like.

Rachel said...

I LOVED the Maya pouch! (not the sling)

Next time I am in the market, I hope to try some other kinds though, so I will wait and see what other advice you get. :)

jenica said...

Borrow a Bijorn and a sling if possible.

The Bijorn takes a little more effort to get on (not much though), but the baby is more secure. It's great for walking in crowds of people where you would hate pushing a stroller or if you have a quick trip in a store.

The sling (I had the NoJo) you can just throw on quick for around the house or at church. (I never used the Bijorn in the house). I liked the sling in a restaraunt, too, beacause you could nurse while sitting there and no one would know if the baby was sleeping or eating. (Nursing in public is a whole other topic.)

Being that my babies were small I used them through the first year. I've seen ppl. use them with toddlers - my shoulder couldn't handle that!

Lista said...

I don't have one, but I have a friend that makes fantastic ones. I'll see if I can talk her out of her pattern, if you're interested!


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