
Photo Shoot

I feel frustrated that my photos aren't turning out any better than this... have to keep taking them though because I don't want to forget how cute and teeny she is now.


Jennifer Voss said...

They are very sweet. She is so wrinkly.. so was Claire!

Kelly said...

She is so cute and teeny tiny!! Keep the pictures coming!! :-)

Lista said...

I love her little toes! Toes on polka dots was a great idea, Brooke!

jenica said...

Adorable! Good job!

Grace Powell said...

I love the last one. Brandon called the swaddle the 'baby burrito' you've captured it in a much more elegant manner!

Christina said...

Teehee. She's playing "Baby Twister." So cute. It's hard to capture all their preciousness on camera. There's just more of it than a camera lense can hold.

Anonymous said...


hayden said...

o cute pics of Sophie come check out my blog

marti said...

She is so beautiful.

I love the Sarah Groves song. The faithfulness of the Lord is a great comfort to me. Charlies message on His faithfulness was so good on Sunday.

We will never be disappointed as He remains faithful.

Kalie Paige said...

Aww!!WOW Brooke I still need to come see your babY! I'm like pratically her aunt ok not really but kinda! hehe! I;m sad I haven't got to see her yet!! =(


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