
Blogger Issues

Blogger always used to email me when a new comment was posted. For some reason I only get an email when one particular person comments now. I checked my settings and it is still set to email me... is anyone else having this problem?


Lista said...

No, I'm having the opposite problem. It sends me the e-mails when I've set it to NOT send me e-mails. Must be a glitch. Is anyone else out there stuck in "accounting" as a profession in their profile??? No matter how many times I change it, here I am, still an accountant. My mother would laugh. Hysterically. At the mere idea of me doing math.

Kimberly said...

I'm stuck as being in the Accounting industry too. I've tried to change it numerous times but I guess blogger thinks I should be in accounting. :)

Kimberly said...

Ok, I just changed it to NOT SPECIFIED and it actually saved it. You might try that. :)


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