

There is a blog that Marcie introduced me to a while back that is so encouraging. The blog was originally started because they found out the child she was carrying would not live after birth. Since that time she has become such an encouragment to so many (me included). Although, I can't relate to the loss of a child, we do have grief in common.

(Some of you may be familiar with Selah. Her husband is one of the singers - Todd.)

Anyway, all that to say that she has challenged her readers to memorize Psalm 139 in 18 days. I don't think I am up for the 18 day thing, but I love the idea of memorizing that Psalm! Anyone else up for the challenge? It's only 24 verses...


Anonymous said...

That's a great challenge,
I know i can't do it in 18 days but i start memorizing! P.N.


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