
So, How Was Your Night?

Mine was a little like this...



Reagan said...

This made me laugh! Thankfully I am a hard sleeper and so if Jere snores, I don't hear it. Sorry about your plight!

MamaT said...

My nights are EXACTLY like that too! Call me tonight around 4 a.m. I'll be up! ha

JR and Ashlee said...

HAHA! i had exactly the same night, plus JR kept burrito-ing the blanket so Jayden and I were freezing all night!

Andrea said...

Well I didn't havea night like that, but Patrick very likely did.

~ Rory ~ said...

Finally! A video that perfectly depicts our nights! I'm still trying to figure out a way to sleep through it. Earplugs don't work!

MamaT said...

The only thing I've found that will work is a snore spray that you spray lightly over the offender. He/she (supposedly) breathes it in and stops snoring. I can testify that it works on both cats and people. (they get really ticked off and get up and leave you in the bed all by yourself!) I only tried it twice.


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