
Hope vs Reality

6-8-09 Dads Hats(4)

My Dad really had a thing for t-shirts and hats that "served a purpose". For just about every holiday/birthday I would buy him one. The hat above was one of his favorites because it generated SO MANY conversations about the Lord. He loved that and always took advantage of the opportunity to share the gospel.

On Tuesday, our friends had the hard task of burying one they loved very much. I wept with them and for them, but I also just wept. So many things the speaker said still applied to me or made me think about my Dad. The speaker did such a great job of encouraging the family that it is okay to cry, to mourn, to miss this one they loved. He also made the comment that this one they loved had always believed there was a heaven, but now she KNEW there was a heaven. I had just never really thought about the fact that my Dad's Hope was now his Reality. That was just such a wonderful thought to me.

I can't wait for my Hope to become my Reality.

But if we hope for what we do not see, with perserverance we wait eagerly for it. Romans 8:25


Anna Erb said...

Amen! I've never really seen it put that way before either.

You've been in my thoughts a lot lately. I love you, Brooke!

April Nienhuis said...

That is a great thought!

Posting on your dad's hats and t-shirts reminds me of the story of when he was standing in line at the gas station (I think that's right). The clerk kept staring at your dad's hat (or so he thought) so he kept moving so she could read it better. Turns out she was trying to see past him and he kept getting in her way :)

Marcie said...

Thank you for sharing this. It is so encouraging to be reminded of God's TRUTH. Praying for you.

Brooke said...

Ha! I love that story April!

Anonymous said...

one of my favorite memories!


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